Saturday, December 25, 2010
Arwen Chatting With Her Online Friend
Kami tidak pernah bertemu tatap wajah dengan keluarga Perancis ini. Tapi cukup dekat di social media. Bertemu pertama kali di Flickr dan sering ngobrol. Lalu Arwen sepertinya tertarik untuk berkenalan dengan putri dari keluarga ini, kebetulan namanya sama-sama diambil dari kisah Lord Of The Ring, Eowyn. Ini adalah Skype pertama Arwen & Eowyn. Semoga nanti kalau sudah dewasa bisa ketemu lagi :D
Sunday, December 19, 2010
iPhone 4 Sebagai Vlogging Device

Saat mencoba pertama kali, saya bisa menobatkan iPhone 4 sebagai the ultimate vlogging device. Kemampuannya mengambil video sudah sangat cukup untuk ukuran 'perangkat genggam': 720p (half HD). Tapi yang membuat saya jatuh cinta adalah kemampuannya saat melakukan paska produksi & publikasi. Record, snap, quick edit, upload.
Paska produksi: iMovie for iPhone
Sejauh pengalaman saya (yang terbatas), ini aplikasi video editing yang terbaik untuk ukuran perangkat genggam. Interfacenya sangat finger-friendly - saya menyebutnya finger-editing - semua dilakukan dengan jari. Dibanding saudaranya iMovie for Mac - app ini tidak memiliki feature layers timeline, tidak ada color-correction atau audio adjustment. Walau begitu, iMovie for iPhone cocok untuk editing offline atau video blogging. Apalagi update terbaru sudah dilengkapi feature CUT clip - (sebelumnya hanya bisa TRIM clip, sangat tidak praktis untuk memotong clip panjang.)
Dari iMovie, video bisa di-export dalam 3 pilihan ukuran yaitu 720p, 540p & 360p. Berguna buat kaum dhuafa bandwith.
Ada banyak cara untuk upload video. Bisa dari iMovie langsung ke YouTube atau email ke TwitVid. Ada keterbatasan saat upload video via email: maksimal durasi yang bisa dikirim hanya 1 menit. Lebih dari 1 menit harus di-trimming.
Solusinya menggunakan TwitVid app for iPhone, gratis & tidak ada limit durasi/size. Dalam hitungan menit, jika kecepatan internet cukup manusiawi, saya sudah bisa publish vlog saya.
Satu kata: iPhoto. Konsistensi integrasi hardware software produk Apple membuat saya tidak bisa lepas dari iPhoto ini. Bukan masalah kemudahan import data dari device saja, tapi juga kemudahan mengelola arsip dokumentasi pribadi. Buat ada merekam video jika tidak bisa dilihat atau dipakai untuk blogging 10 tahun kemudian?
Ada banyak pilihan vlogging handheld device di luar sana, terutama dari barisan Android OS smartphone atau Nokia N8. Semua menawarkan kecanggihan hardware, namun bagi saya yang terpenting adalah experience-nya dan iMovie for iPhone adalah jawaban bagi software experience yang saya cari: Record, snap, quick edit, upload.
Berikut contoh video-video yang saya rekam & edit di iPhone 4.
Arwen berangkat sekolah
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Bus trip
Neo & kijang
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Bus Trip To Fahaheel
Pertama kalinya kami sekeluarga mencoba jalan-jalan dengan bus. Mumpung Arwen sedang libur winter!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Vlogging with Canon 5D Mark II & iPad
iPad can be an ultimate vlogging tool. Though it has no camera, we can import videos from any device via iPad Camera Connection Kit, means you can get any video file from some devices including Canon 5D Mark II.
And it means, you can vlogging with DSLR quality videos. Not to mention the lens variations for the video. Problem is, the iPad can only read 640x480 video files from 5D Mark II. (you can import 1080p HD video but iPad can't read them).
First thing first, you'll need Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit ($29). It comes with 2 connectors: SD card reader connector & USB connector. Since 5D Mark II comes with CF card, you'll need card reader & connect it to the USB connector. Or, connect the 5D Mark II directly to the USB connector.
The will automatically launch & shows Camera page with the thumbnails from the camera. Select the 640x480 videos to import to 'All Imported' album.
Currently, there's only one video editing app for iPad: ReelDirector ($4.99).
Once the video files imported in the library, we can access them in the & start to edit. For me, iPad 10 inch screen is decent enough to edit quick instant video.
Finish editing, render & ready to upload. In ReelDirector you have 3 compression options. I'd prefer to use the 'High Quality Option' though it has bigger file size. Well, video from DSLR deserve that quality, right? Though, you'll need a 3G or better internet connection for that.
Enjoy the DSLR quality vlogging.
ps: with this process, I think I can call it a mobile-vlogging? Bulky mobile-vlogging? :D
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Test Drive: Old Canon lens FD 28mm ƒ2.8
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Vacation 2010: The Art of Batik Making
A short video footage from our August 2010 Road Trip to Sokaraja & Pekalongan.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
When The Kids Met The iPad

We just hand the iPad to our kids. No hints, no instructions. They already enjoyed the iPad within seconds :)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Kuwait Sky with Clouds!
Indahnya saat langit Kuwait berawan. Maklum jarang awan di sini karena udara kering.
(timelapse dengan Nikon P1)
(timelapse dengan Nikon P1)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Painting My Family

Video experiment, inspired with Sherlock Holmes end credit style. Music: The Blossoming Lilies by The Orchestral Movement of 1932 Credit to for the trick & some materials. Hardware: Canon 500D, MacPro, MacMini, Wacom Bamboo Software: AfterEffects, Painter XI
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Bubble CHat

The kids playing with bubbles in a warm sunny afternoon. Shot with Canon 500D with 50mm 1.4 lens (manual aperture - pushed to 1.4) & 17-40mm 4.0L. The video was recorded in 30 fps & slow-motioned in Final Cut Pro. Color corrected with vintage mood style in Final Cut Pro + Magic Bullet Looks. Music: Apple Garage Band
Monday, January 04, 2010

Family watercolor painting day. Shot with Canon EOS 500D & 50mm 1.4 lens with 4x macro filter. The video was shot with manual aperture (1.4) in FLAT Picture Style & color corrected in Final Cut Express with Magic Bullet Looks.
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