Saturday, December 31, 2011
Greeting Video for KompasTV
Dapat kesempatan dari Kak Sofie untuk menyampaikan ucapan selamat tahun baru untuk Kompas TV.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Neo Setelah Makan Durian
Aksi pecicilan Neo (2 tahun) setelah makan durian. Sebenarnya memang ngga ada hubungannya sih ;D
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Kawinan Adat Sunda di Gurun Wafra
Agak surreal mendengar gending Sunda & lagu Keong Racun di kampung peternakan, di tengah gurun Wafra, Kuwait.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Suasana Jelang Buka Puasa di Kuwait
SEPI! Ngga ada yang ngantri tempat makan karena tempat makannya juga baru buka 5 menit setelah adan Maghrib :D
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Food Photography Made Easy Promo Video
Ini promo video untuk peluncuran buku Food Photography hasil kolaborasi Dita & teman-teman.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Festival Petir di Langit Kuwait
Fenomena seru di Kuwait: petir menyambar-nyambar dalam hitungan detik. Beginilah bentuk musim transisi dari winter ke summer.
Friday, April 01, 2011
Respon Dari Video Toca Tea Party
Salah satu kegiatan akhir pekan kami adalah bikin 'video review' tentang aplikasi anak-anak untuk iPad (Teddy's Day & Teddy's Night) dengan Arwen, Leia & Neo jadi reviewernya. Kali ini, kami membuat review untuk aplikasi Toca Tea Party.
Dalam video ini, kami hanya memperlihatkan ekspresi natural dari krucil apa adanya saat bermain dengan aplikasi ini. Lucunya, suasana serunya justru saat malam jelang tidur, mereka tertawa-tawa bareng Mamin. DSLR belum siap, terpaksa syuting dadakan pakai iPhone 4 dalam suasana low-light (walau akhirnya sempat mengambil beberapa angle dng DSLR) tidak ada cahaya tambahan dari jendela.
Sesaat setelah kami upload & tweet videonya, kami mendapatkan respon tidak terduga dari tim developernya:

Kami benar-benar tidak menduga mendapatkan respon yang mengharukan ini. Bahkan mereka berjanji mengirimkan gift untuk Arwen, Leia & Neo ke alamat Jakarta.
Terlihat betapa tim developer aplikasi ini bekerja dengan segenap rasa, hati mereka tersentuh saat menyaksikan hasil karya mereka diapresiasi oleh anak-anak kami.
Dalam video ini, kami hanya memperlihatkan ekspresi natural dari krucil apa adanya saat bermain dengan aplikasi ini. Lucunya, suasana serunya justru saat malam jelang tidur, mereka tertawa-tawa bareng Mamin. DSLR belum siap, terpaksa syuting dadakan pakai iPhone 4 dalam suasana low-light (walau akhirnya sempat mengambil beberapa angle dng DSLR) tidak ada cahaya tambahan dari jendela.
Sesaat setelah kami upload & tweet videonya, kami mendapatkan respon tidak terduga dari tim developernya:

Our friends @tocaboca just got this amazing video made by a happy father who bought Teaparty. You have to watch! (link)
@pinot your amazing video really lifted everyone's mood here at Toca Boca! So it's me who's bowing to you ;) (link)
Absolutely amazing video! RT @pinot: Picnic with Toca Tea Party app for iPad [video] cc @tocaboca (link)
@bjornjeffery @pinot @tocaboca Fantastic! (link)
Helt otroligt - det är en alltså en fan-video! RT @pinot: Picnic with Toca Tea Party app for iPad [video] cc @tocaboca (link)
Amazing to see that we make children smile :) RT @pinot: Picnic with Toca Tea Party app for iPad [video] (link)
Almost made this Play Designer cry :) @pinot: Picnic with Toca Tea Party app for iPad [video] cc @tocaboca (link)
@pinot We're all very happy in the office right now because of your video! (link)
@pinot Love your video! I'm proud to be part of @tocaboca :) Can we snailmail some presents to you? (link)
Kami benar-benar tidak menduga mendapatkan respon yang mengharukan ini. Bahkan mereka berjanji mengirimkan gift untuk Arwen, Leia & Neo ke alamat Jakarta.
Terlihat betapa tim developer aplikasi ini bekerja dengan segenap rasa, hati mereka tersentuh saat menyaksikan hasil karya mereka diapresiasi oleh anak-anak kami.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Giant Sand Storm!
Langit sore yang cerah tiba-tiba gelap seperti mendung. Saat menatap jendela, awan pasir hitam pekat sudah menutup langit. Creepy!
When The Kids Meet The Old PowerBook 170
Got this dead dusty PowerBook 170 in Kuwait flea market for $6. Interesting to see how our kids react when they see this 20 years old artefact. Arwen is asking "What's floppy disk?"
Recorded & edited on iPhone 4.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
iMovie on The Original iPad
When I heard that Apple finally release iMovie for iPad I was so freakin excited.
Then officially they ditch the compatibility for the original iPad. I was like... "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" (doing Anakin's scream for Padme - btw our iPad name is iPadme Amidala.)
So why does Apple ditch the original iPad from iMovie's love?
Jason Snell (Macworld):
Trying to download the iMovie app to the original iPad, this is what I got:
Front facing camera? Really?
iTunes & AppStores are refusing to install the iMovie to my original iPad. This is pure evil!
Then I got this trick. The iMovie finally installed in my original iPad.
After import some footages from iPhone 4, then I begin to edit a short video.
Is it sluggish? Is it good?
It. Is. Beautiful!
Then officially they ditch the compatibility for the original iPad. I was like... "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" (doing Anakin's scream for Padme - btw our iPad name is iPadme Amidala.)
So why does Apple ditch the original iPad from iMovie's love?
Jason Snell (Macworld):
I was able to install my sample copy on an original iPad and it seemed to work fine, though as projects got more complex it got a little sluggish. This may be one of those cases where Apple decided that if the product didn't worth smoothly and flawlessly on the original iPad, it wasn't worth supporting at all. (article link)Sluggish? Really?
Trying to download the iMovie app to the original iPad, this is what I got:
Front facing camera? Really?
iTunes & AppStores are refusing to install the iMovie to my original iPad. This is pure evil!
Then I got this trick. The iMovie finally installed in my original iPad.
After import some footages from iPhone 4, then I begin to edit a short video.
Is it sluggish? Is it good?
It. Is. Beautiful!

iPhone 4 > Camera Connection Kit > iMovie on original iPad
It's only 30 seconds project but at least everything works relatively fine. Not snappy quicky perfect but everything is there. The audio waveforms are there. The scrubbing footages are there. The smooth transitions are there.
And best of all - been doing finger-editing on iMovie for iPhone for months - now I'm doing finger-editing on 10 inch screen!
It. Is. Beautiful!
iMovie isn't built for a long duration/complex/multi layered video editing project. It's only for fun, family video, video-blogging, online video. I think the original iPad is sufficient enough for that kind of task.
So again, why do you ditch original iPad from iMovie's love, Apple?
(crossposting blog. also posted in here.)
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Monday, March 07, 2011
Is The iPhone 4 Ready For Video Post Processing?
It depends.
If you're doing it for fun, video-blogging, you may force the iPhone 4 to do video post-processing.
If you're doing it for pro, record on the iPhone 4 then edit it on desktop (yes you can put 'semi' word before 'pro' ^_^)
2 reasons.
1. It's a phone.
Its main function is a communication device. Rendering a video can take forever on this device & some apps are not natively multiprocessing. Anticipate a phone call while rendering. A phone call means interrupted rendering process. Not to mention the battery life. Don't try to render your edited video while far from electricity outlet. "Sorry I can't get your call, my phone is still rendering & the battery is low."
2. Quality matters.
1. It's a phone.
Its main function is a communication device. Rendering a video can take forever on this device & some apps are not natively multiprocessing. Anticipate a phone call while rendering. A phone call means interrupted rendering process. Not to mention the battery life. Don't try to render your edited video while far from electricity outlet. "Sorry I can't get your call, my phone is still rendering & the battery is low."
Takes 30 mins to render this 45 seconds video. 30 mins without receiving any phone call :D
And since it's a phone, you have to get used to edit in a small multitouch screen with your finger. iMovie for iPhone is great, but keep in mind that from desktop to tiny multitouch screen is another learning curve: finger editing.
Color-correction is a critical process in video post processing. Without proper compression method, the video file will be 'damaged' due to inappropriate lossy data compression algorithm.
For instance, CinemaFX for video is the coolest color-grading app for iPhone 4. Problem is, by default it compresses the video from the Camera Roll, means that you'll get a video with blocky compressed quality - not the original.
For instance, CinemaFX for video is the coolest color-grading app for iPhone 4. Problem is, by default it compresses the video from the Camera Roll, means that you'll get a video with blocky compressed quality - not the original.
Don't expect some Sorenson, DV-Pal or any professional video compression codecs for iOS anytime soon.
Try watch the video in HD to see the comparison.
Try watch the video in HD to see the comparison.
iMovie for iPhone on the other hand, is using H.264 compression, which is good enough for final video. But not good enough to do multiple post-procs.
Is it ready for video post-processing?
"Hello? I'm shooting a video right now with my iPhone. Can I call you back?"
Saturday, March 05, 2011
The Tale of A Father & Three Kids
Begini kalau papin sendirian ngangon 3 bocah menjelang jam tidur. Arwen habis mandi besok sekolah, Leia makan malam, Neo ngga tidur-tidur.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Dancing Floodlight
Cantiknya konfigurasi lampu sorot di depan Bayan Palace ini dalam rangka memeriahkan pesta kemerdekaan Kuwait tgl 24 -25 Februari.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Test Drive: Harley Davidson Sportster 48 2011
Ada yang baru jadi biker, bawa Harley Davidson ke kantor. Semua beramai-ramai menjajal.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Angin Kencang 50km/jam
Neo ditabrak angin dingin yang berkecepatan 50km/jam. Ekspresinya lucu, antara kaget, takut & enjoy :D
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Berlari & Bervideo di Tantangan Nike+
Tanding lari bersama-sama sekarang tidak harus berada di tempat & waktu yang sama. Cukup bergabung di Nike+ challenge, seperti yang sedang saya ikuti bersama teman-teman di Twitter: Ganyang Lemak To Demak - yang terjauh lari adalah pemenangnya. Saya di Kuwait dan mereka di Jakarta, serasa sedang lari dalam tempat & waktu yang sama.
Suatu ketika saya iseng, mencoba merekam, mengedit & mengupload video dari iPhone saat saya jogging. Saya share di Twitter untuk memberi tahu bahwa "Hi guys, gue jogging nih pagi ini." Tidak diduga, ternyata @sirico juga merekam kegiatan joggingnya di kemudian hari. Dan diikuti @adhams, @natalixia, @qronoz & @fauzanalfi, semua peserta Ganyang Lemak To Demak.
Walau kualitas videonya tidak cukup baik - shaking, blur & portrait video - tapi pesannya jelas: semua sedang berlari bersama. Dan dampaknya semua peserta jadi termotivasi & lebih semangat. Semangat lari & semangat ngeceng. Huehehehe.
Bahkan @adhams pun bisa mendengar suara nafas lari saya yang terengah-engah. Hahahaha!

(via Twitter)
Saya sendiri bela-belain editing sambil jogging dengan iMovie for iPhone. Lumayan buat mengalihkan rasa capek :D
Berniat bergabung?
Ini beberapa video jogging dari peserta Ganyang Lemak To Demak.

Suatu ketika saya iseng, mencoba merekam, mengedit & mengupload video dari iPhone saat saya jogging. Saya share di Twitter untuk memberi tahu bahwa "Hi guys, gue jogging nih pagi ini." Tidak diduga, ternyata @sirico juga merekam kegiatan joggingnya di kemudian hari. Dan diikuti @adhams, @natalixia, @qronoz & @fauzanalfi, semua peserta Ganyang Lemak To Demak.
Walau kualitas videonya tidak cukup baik - shaking, blur & portrait video - tapi pesannya jelas: semua sedang berlari bersama. Dan dampaknya semua peserta jadi termotivasi & lebih semangat. Semangat lari & semangat ngeceng. Huehehehe.
Bahkan @adhams pun bisa mendengar suara nafas lari saya yang terengah-engah. Hahahaha!

(via Twitter)
Saya sendiri bela-belain editing sambil jogging dengan iMovie for iPhone. Lumayan buat mengalihkan rasa capek :D
Berniat bergabung?
Ini beberapa video jogging dari peserta Ganyang Lemak To Demak.

Friday, January 07, 2011
Indahnya Kuwait Saat Winter
Ini salah satu alasan kenapa kami sangat jatuh cinta dengan musim dingin di Kuwait: pantai & burung camar. Semoga video ini bisa menggambarkan alasan kami.
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